Leta 2014 sem natiskala prve Girls Gang Forever majice kot poklon vsem riot bejbam, mo(go)čnim junakinjam in ženskim glasbenicam, s katerimi sem odraščala. Nekaj let kasneje sem začutila, da so te majice nekaj, kar mora postati del redne ponudbe ter na voljo po ceni, ki pokriva samo moje delo, brez kakršnih koli drugih marž. Čutim, da je to nekaj s čimer lahko kot ustvarjalka in sitotiskarka prispevam k grlpwr skupnosti.

Ko sem začela ponovno razmišljati o tem, da bi obudila idejo in nadaljevala s tiskanjem majic, sem začela okrog sebe opažati veliko izdelkov z »girl power« citati, ki jih postavljajo na trgovinske police pretežno blagovne znamke hitre mode in moram priznati, da me je to nekoliko zbodlo. Težko verjamem sloganom, ki prihajajo s strani takih korporacij, saj so samo prehoden trend, ki mine takoj z naslednjim letnim časom.

Pirate Piška GG Forever kolekcija mi resnično veliko pomeni, saj je narejena iskreno in iz srca. Namenjena je neustrašnim puncam, ki izžarevajo samozavest in pozitivno vplivajo na girls gang skupnost!

Moja želja je ustvariti#ppxgirlsgang platformo s fotografijami pogumnih in svobodomiselnih žensk z vsega sveta, ki s svojo osebno zgodbo navdihujejo tudi druge. Na tem mestu vabim tudi tebe, da se aktivno vključiš in prispevaš svoje Girls Gang fotografije! Vse prejete fotke bodo naložene na spletno stran, nekatere pa tudi na Pirate Piška facebook in instagram. Moj mega master plan pa je zbrati čim več fotografij in narediti Girls Gang fanzine <3

!Opozorilo! Za sodelovanje na #ppxgirlsgang platformi in pri Girls Gang fanzinu nakup #piratepiska Girls Gang Forever majice ni obvezen! Lahko pošlješ kakršnokoli fotografijo, ki predstavlja tvoj pogled na girls gang skupnost (fotografije morajo biti avtorske) in napišeš vrstico ali dve o tem, kaj tebi predstavlja poslana fotka. Prav tako vabljeni vsi, punce, fantje in punce po srcu, ki ste bolj ustvarjalne narave, da naredite svojo girls gang majico in mi pošljete fotografijo ustvarjalnega procesa. Diy pristop je več kot dobrodošel!

Deli svoje fotografije, zgodbe, misli in ideje, da bomo lahko ustvarili pozitivno #girlsgang skupnost!

Veselim se tvojih fotk in misli ter jih že
nestrpno pričakujem na [email protected].

Z ljubeznijo,
Tjaša PPx

P.S. Več o tem zakaj girls gang sem napisala tudi v inspo blogpostu!


I made my first limited edition collection of Girls Gang Forever t-shirts back in 2014 as an homage to all riot babes, strong heroines, female vocalists/bands and comic book characters I grew up with. Now, more than ever I feel I have to make it a regular product you can purchase in my webshop for a fair price that covers only my work and material without any other margins. I feel like this is something I can contribute back to the grlpwr community as a maker/screenprinter.

When I was contenplating on bringing back these t-shirts I've been seeing a lot of girl-inspired-quotes apparel from fast-fashion-commercial-brands at the same time. I must say it kinda rub me the wrong way, so I really wish you understand that Pirate Piška GG Forever collection comes from an honest place and it's made for fearless ladies who exude self-confidence and help build their fellow sistas up not tear them down.

I would like to make a #ppxgirlsgang platform with photos of strong, free thinking, opinionated women from all over the world that can inspire others and it would mean a world to me if you will contribute with your photos or whoever of your loved ones wearing Girls Gang t’shirt! All received photos will be than uploaded on this webpage and some on Pirate Piška facebook and instagram, but most of all my grand master plan is to make a fanzine with all Girls Gang photos <3

!Disclaimer! It is not obligatory to buy #piratepiska Girls Gang Forever t-shirt to participate in #ppxgirlsgang platform and fanzine! you can send photos of you doing what you love or your friends, mothers, grandmothers, fathers or any other person who gives you inspiration in girls gang context. You can send any photo that represent your view on girls gang community (of course, all photos must be copyright) and write a line or two of what this picture means to you. If you're a more creative person, you can make your own t-shirt with girls gang sign and send me photo of the creative process. Diy approach is very welcome!

Please, share your photos, stories, thoughts and ideas, so we can make positive #girlsgang community!
Srsly, -you are more than welcome to share your thoughts about this topic and my zine/platform project.

I really hope you'll be up for this and to hear from you soon!
My inbox is hungry for your pics and thoughts [email protected].

Much love,
Tjaša PPx

Tjaša & Bojana / Jona Bednjanec / Jelena / Polona in Andrea / Jona / Polona Kolektiv 22 / Beti & Barbara / Natalija (Iskra Zauvek / Andrea / Julija / OKO / Iskra Zauvek / Manja / Eva / D.E.K.L.I.N.E / Kukla / Natalija (Iskra Zauvek) / Maša / Tina / Manja / Maruša / Adriana / Katra & Lila / Eva / Rosanne / Ula / Andrea / Eva / Jelena & girls gang / Minca / Polona / Rosanne